Established in 1575, the firm has had its offices in the heart of Saint Germain des Prés, at 15 rue des Saints Pères, since 1875. Since 1866, six generations of Morel d’Arleux have passed on the notarial ethics tradition and have built up a strong climate of trust with their clients.
Today with four notaries in partnership and constituted as an SAS, our firms works with both private individuals and professionals throughout their lives and across their activities.
Our role as a publicly appointed officer and the rigorous demands of our profession are the guarantee of our independence. They guarantee that the documents signed through our intermediary will benefit from the highest degree of legal security.
The firm has always been built on its reputation for proximity with its clients through the benevolent attention devoted to each one of them, along with the necessary flexibility and legal skill.
In response to the challenges faced over recent years, we have reinvented ourselves to meet the demands for reactivity expressed by our clients.
Adapting our procedures, improving client reception and staff comfort, creating new activities and implementing innovative computer tools have all enabled us to better respond to the challenges currently facing our profession.
« Each individual client is followed by one of the partners, who is available and can be contacted at all times in case of any difficulty encountered with a file or its developments. We are particularly keen to ensure this link. Our staff, who are your everyday interlocutors, are here to work with you and provide answers to your questions.
To respond to each and every one of your expectations, Morel d’Arleux offers a detailed, efficient service in a variety of perpetually evolving areas of competency. »

Antoine HUREL began his professional life in 1997 and was qualified as a notary in 2000. After an initial experience with a major firm in the Paris area, he joined the firm on rue Saint Pères in 2002. He then played an active role in its development, alongside Hervé MOREL d’ARLEUX and Thierry du BOYS. He was chair of the Paris area real estate valuation and negotiation group “NEGONOTAIRE” for 10 years. He is also an expert in divorce law. Based on this experience, he prioritises dealing with files globally or transversally, notably in real estate law. He is the author of several publications, notably on real estate valuation and foundations. He also participates in several TV shows, with the aim of simplifying the understanding of a notary’s role. He is fluent in Spanish and English.

After general training during his internship with MOREL d’ARLEUX, Antoine BILLECOCQ finished his training in another firm in Paris where he developed his skill in complex real estate transactions, as well as company manager assets transmission.
He joined the firm in 2011, after graduating in Assets Management from CLERMONT AUVERGNE University and presenting his thesis on “bequests at term”.
A notary since 2012 and a partner since 2014, in our firm Antoine BILLECOCQ concentrates more particularly on real estate files, and tax and real estate anticipation files. Well able to listen to clients and analyse their needs he uses his skills to serve clients in a permanent search for optimal solutions.

Pierre-Alain CONIL joined the firm in 2012 to set up an international department in response to the growing needs of French and foreign clients in connection with several countries. He qualified as a notary in 2010 and completed his training in the United States. In 2011 he graduated with an LLM from the Boston College Law School.
This double background, unusual amongst notaries, enables him to provide his clients with completely bilingual advice on American law, international private law and international taxation.
Pierre-Alain also participates in international law symposiums in France and abroad. He is a regular contributor to legal journals and is also active in the American community in Paris.

Antoine MOREL d’ARLEUX has been a partner since 2017.
He arrived at the firm in September 2014 and is a MASTER II graduate in notarial law from PANTHEON ASSAS University.
Trained in family law by Professor Michel GRIMAL- DI, his internship tutor (“A notary faced with his client’s lack of forethought in terms of inheritance”), he is skilled in family law. His ability to listen and promote dialogue means that he can work with you sensitively at every key moment in life: establishment of a marriage or civil partnership contract through to settlement of an estate and including transmission objectives (gifts, division of estate). In 2018 he graduated in Assets Management from CLERMONT AUVERGNE University. He can work with you to set up a bespoke inheritance mechanism.

+33 (0)7 78 41 66 43
We are available to meet you and discuss issues of concern to you free of charge. Further work will be charged as follows:
• Fees charged by notaries (known in France as ‘émoluments’) will remain stable until 29th January 2020.
• The firm uses the following discount policy
• Exceptionally, some tasks or deeds are subject to freely calculated fees, the amount of which is submitted to the parties concerned for prior approval. This is the case, for example, with all work relating to company law or additional services not covered by general fees.